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Definition.sql File Reference

The implementantion in sql of BoxST. More...


boxst inboxst (cstring)
cstring outboxst (boxst)
boxst recvboxst (internal)
bytea send (boxst)
boolean equals (boxst boxa, boxst boxb)
integer hash (boxst box)
period gett (boxst box)
timestamp getti (boxst box)
timestamp gette (boxst box)
boxsp getsp (boxst box)
pointsp getl (boxst box)
integer getlx (boxst box)
integer getly (boxst box)
pointsp geth (boxst box)
integer gethx (boxst box)
integer gethy (boxst box)
boxst boxst (timestamp ti, timestamp te, integer lx, integer ly, integer hx, integer hy)
boxst boxst (period t, boxsp sp)
boxst clone (boxst box)

Detailed Description

The implementantion in sql of BoxST.

Marios Vodas (

BoxST is a spatial data type used in Hermes

See also
Spatio-temporal data types

Function Documentation

boxst boxst ( timestamp  ti,
timestamp  te,
integer  lx,
integer  ly,
integer  hx,
integer  hy 
boxst boxst ( period  t,
boxsp  sp 
boxst clone ( boxst  box)
boolean equals ( boxst  boxa,
boxst  boxb 
pointsp geth ( boxst  box)
integer gethx ( boxst  box)
integer gethy ( boxst  box)
pointsp getl ( boxst  box)
integer getlx ( boxst  box)
integer getly ( boxst  box)
boxsp getsp ( boxst  box)
period gett ( boxst  box)
timestamp gette ( boxst  box)
timestamp getti ( boxst  box)
integer hash ( boxst  box)
boxst inboxst ( cstring  )
cstring outboxst ( boxst  )
boxst recvboxst ( internal  )
bytea send ( boxst  )