Neo4jSpatiotemporal.EditableLayerTemporal Interface Reference
Inheritance diagram for Neo4jSpatiotemporal.EditableLayerTemporal:
Neo4jSpatiotemporal.LayerST Neo4jSpatiotemporal.EditableLayerImplTemporal Neo4jSpatiotemporal.DynamicLayerTemporal Neo4jSpatiotemporal.OrderedEditableLayerTemporal Neo4jSpatiotemporal.SimplePointLayerST

Public Member Functions

SpatialTemporalDatabaseRecord add (Geometry geometry)
SpatialTemporalDatabaseRecord add (Geometry geometry, String[] fieldsName, Object[] fields)
void delete (long geometryNodeId)
void update (long geometryNodeId, Geometry geometry)
void setCoordinateReferenceSystem (CoordinateReferenceSystem coordinateReferenceSystem)
void removeFromIndex (long geomNodeId)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Neo4jSpatiotemporal.LayerST
void initialize (SpatialTemporalDatabaseService spatialDatabase, String name, Node layerNode)
LayerIndexReaderTemporal getIndex ()
SpatialTemporalDatabaseRecord add (Node geomNode)
TemporalGeometryFactory getGeometryFactory ()
Node getLayerNode ()
void delete (Listener monitor)
String getName ()
TemporalGeometryEncoder getGeometryEncoder ()
CoordinateReferenceSystem getCoordinateReferenceSystem ()
String[] getExtraPropertyNames ()
Integer getGeometryType ()
SpatialTemporalDatabaseService getSpatialDatabase ()
SpatialTemporalDataset getDataset ()
Object getStyle ()
PropertyMappingManagerTemporal getPropertyMappingManager ()

Detailed Description

Instances of Layer provide the ability for developers to add/remove and edit geometries associated with a single dataset (or layer). This includes support for several storage mechanisms, like in-node (geometries in properties) and sub-graph (geometries describe by the graph). A Layer can be associated with a dataset. In cases where the dataset contains only one layer, the layer itself is the dataset. See the class DefaultLayer for the standard implementation of that pattern.

Member Function Documentation

SpatialTemporalDatabaseRecord Neo4jSpatiotemporal.EditableLayerTemporal.add ( Geometry  geometry)

Add a new geometry to the layer. This will add the geometry to the index.


Implemented in Neo4jSpatiotemporal.EditableLayerImplTemporal.

SpatialTemporalDatabaseRecord Neo4jSpatiotemporal.EditableLayerTemporal.add ( Geometry  geometry,
String[]  fieldsName,
Object[]  fields 

Add a new geometry to the layer. This will add the geometry to the index. : Rather use a HashMap of properties


Implemented in Neo4jSpatiotemporal.EditableLayerImplTemporal.

void Neo4jSpatiotemporal.EditableLayerTemporal.delete ( long  geometryNodeId)

Delete the geometry identified by the passed node id. This might be as simple as deleting the geometry node, or it might require extracting and deleting an entire sub-graph.


Implemented in Neo4jSpatiotemporal.EditableLayerImplTemporal.

void Neo4jSpatiotemporal.EditableLayerTemporal.removeFromIndex ( long  geomNodeId)
void Neo4jSpatiotemporal.EditableLayerTemporal.setCoordinateReferenceSystem ( CoordinateReferenceSystem  coordinateReferenceSystem)
void Neo4jSpatiotemporal.EditableLayerTemporal.update ( long  geometryNodeId,
Geometry  geometry 

Update the geometry identified by the passed node id. This might be as simple as changing node properties or it might require editing an entire sub-graph.


Implemented in Neo4jSpatiotemporal.EditableLayerImplTemporal.

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file: