Neo4jSpatiotemporal.SpatialTemporalDataset Interface Reference
Inheritance diagram for Neo4jSpatiotemporal.SpatialTemporalDataset:
Neo4jSpatiotemporal.DefaultLayerTemporal Neo4jSpatiotemporal.EditableLayerImplTemporal Neo4jSpatiotemporal.DynamicLayerTemporal Neo4jSpatiotemporal.OrderedEditableLayerTemporal Neo4jSpatiotemporal.SimplePointLayerST

Public Member Functions

Iterable< Node > getAllGeometryNodes ()
Iterable< ?extends Geometry > getAllGeometries ()
TemporalGeometryEncoder getGeometryEncoder ()
Iterable< ?extends LayerSTgetLayers ()
boolean containsGeometryNode (Node node)

Detailed Description

Classes that implement this interface should represent a single dataset. That is a collection of data that is considered to belong together. This dataset will contain one or more Layers, each of which can be loaded independently onto a map, but may be based on common data in the dataset. When layers have no relationship to one another, it is more common to view them as separate datasets. For this reason the LayerST class implements the SpatialTemporalDataset interface. All datasets are expected to conform to a single mechanism for storing spatial information, as defined by the TemporalGeometryEncoder, which can be retrieved from the getGeometryEncoder() method.

Member Function Documentation

boolean Neo4jSpatiotemporal.SpatialTemporalDataset.containsGeometryNode ( Node  node)

Does the dataset (or layer) contain the geometry specified by this node.

boolean true/false if the geometry node is in this Dataset or LayerST

Implemented in Neo4jSpatiotemporal.DefaultLayerTemporal.

Iterable< ? extends Geometry> Neo4jSpatiotemporal.SpatialTemporalDataset.getAllGeometries ( )

Provides a method for iterating over all geometries in this dataset. This is similar to the getAllGeometryNodes() method but internally converts the Node to a Geometry.

iterable over geometries in the dataset

Implemented in Neo4jSpatiotemporal.DefaultLayerTemporal.

Iterable<Node> Neo4jSpatiotemporal.SpatialTemporalDataset.getAllGeometryNodes ( )

Provides a method for iterating over all nodes that represent geometries in this dataset. This is similar to the getAllNodes() methods from GraphDatabaseService but will only return nodes that this dataset considers its own, and can be passed to the GeometryEncoder to generate a Geometry. There is no restricting on a node belonging to multiple datasets, or multiple layers within the same dataset.

iterable over geometry nodes in the dataset

Implemented in Neo4jSpatiotemporal.DefaultLayerTemporal, and Neo4jSpatiotemporal.OrderedEditableLayerTemporal.

TemporalGeometryEncoder Neo4jSpatiotemporal.SpatialTemporalDataset.getGeometryEncoder ( )

Return the geometry encoder used by this SpatialTemporalDataset to convert individual geometries to and from the database structure.

TemporalGeometryEncoder for this dataset

Implemented in Neo4jSpatiotemporal.DefaultLayerTemporal.

Iterable< ? extends LayerST> Neo4jSpatiotemporal.SpatialTemporalDataset.getLayers ( )

Each dataset can have one or more layers. This methods provides a way to iterate over all layers.

iterable over all Layers that can be viewed from this dataset

Implemented in Neo4jSpatiotemporal.DefaultLayerTemporal, and Neo4jSpatiotemporal.DynamicLayerTemporal.

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file: