Neo4jSpatiotemporal.DynamicLayerTemporal Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for Neo4jSpatiotemporal.DynamicLayerTemporal:
Neo4jSpatiotemporal.EditableLayerImplTemporal Neo4jSpatiotemporal.DefaultLayerTemporal Neo4jSpatiotemporal.EditableLayerTemporal Neo4jSpatiotemporal.TemporalConstants Neo4jSpatiotemporal.LayerST Neo4jSpatiotemporal.SpatialTemporalDataset Neo4jSpatiotemporal.LayerST

Public Member Functions

DynamicLayerConfigTemporal addCQLDynamicLayerOnGeometryType (int gtype)
DynamicLayerConfigTemporal addCQLDynamicLayerOnAttribute (String key, String value, int gtype)
DynamicLayerConfigTemporal addCQLDynamicLayerOnAttributes (String[] attributes, int gtype)
DynamicLayerConfigTemporal addLayerConfig (String name, int type, String query)
DynamicLayerConfigTemporal restrictLayerProperties (String name, String[] names)
DynamicLayerConfigTemporal restrictLayerProperties (String name)
List< String > getLayerNames ()
List< LayerSTgetLayers ()
LayerST getLayer (String name)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Neo4jSpatiotemporal.EditableLayerImplTemporal
SpatialTemporalDatabaseRecord add (Geometry geometry)
SpatialTemporalDatabaseRecord add (Geometry geometry, String[] fieldsName, Object[] fields)
List< SpatialTemporalDatabaseRecordsearchTreeTrajectory (List< IndexEnvelope > envelopes, List< String > tags)
List< SpatialTemporalDatabaseRecordsearchTreeTrajectoryA3 (List< IndexEnvelope > envelopes, List< String > tags)
List< SpatialTemporalDatabaseRecordsearchTree (IndexEnvelope envelope, String tag)
List< SpatialTemporalDatabaseRecordsearchTreeTrajectoryEpisode (List< IndexEnvelope > envelopes, List< String > tags)
List< SpatialTemporalDatabaseRecordsearchTreeTrajectoryMiddleEpisodeHalf (String graphDB, List< IndexEnvelope > envelopes, List< String > tags, int position, int arraySize)
List< SpatialTemporalDatabaseRecordsearchTreeTrajectoryMiddleEpisodeHalf (String graphDB, List< IndexEnvelope > envelopes, List< String > tags, int arraySize)
void enhanceRTreeIndex ()
SemanticTrajectory getTrajectoryFromEpisode (Node node)
void enhanceRTreeTrajectoryIndex ()
String getTrajectoryString (Node node)
int getNodeTraversal ()
int getTextTraversal ()
void removeRawDataEB ()
void removeRawDataSTB ()
void enhanceRTreeTrajectoryIndexA3 ()
String getTrajectoryTags (Node node)
Index< Node > getLecicalIndex ()
void update (long geomNodeId, Geometry geometry)
void delete (long geomNodeId)
void removeFromIndex (long geomNodeId)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Neo4jSpatiotemporal.DefaultLayerTemporal
String getName ()
SpatialTemporalDatabaseService getSpatialDatabase ()
LayerIndexReaderTemporal getIndex ()
SpatialTemporalDatabaseRecord add (Node geomNode)
TemporalGeometryFactory getGeometryFactory ()
void setCoordinateReferenceSystem (CoordinateReferenceSystem crs)
CoordinateReferenceSystem getCoordinateReferenceSystem ()
void setGeometryType (Integer geometryType)
Integer getGeometryType ()
String[] getExtraPropertyNames ()
void setExtraPropertyNames (String[] names)
void mergeExtraPropertyNames (String[] names)
void initialize (SpatialTemporalDatabaseService spatialDatabase, String name, Node layerNode)
Node getLayerNode ()
void delete (Listener monitor)
SpatialTemporalDataset getDataset ()
Iterable< Node > getAllGeometryNodes ()
boolean containsGeometryNode (Node geomNode)
Iterable<?extends Geometry > getAllGeometries ()
TemporalGeometryEncoder getGeometryEncoder ()
Iterable< ?extends LayerSTgetLayers ()
Object getStyle ()
PropertyMappingManagerTemporal getPropertyMappingManager ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from Neo4jSpatiotemporal.EditableLayerTemporal
void setCoordinateReferenceSystem (CoordinateReferenceSystem coordinateReferenceSystem)

Protected Member Functions

boolean removeLayerConfig (String name)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Neo4jSpatiotemporal.EditableLayerImplTemporal
Node addGeomNode (Geometry geom, String[] fieldsName, Object[] fields)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Neo4jSpatiotemporal.DefaultLayerTemporal
 DefaultLayerTemporal ()
GraphDatabaseService getDatabase ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from Neo4jSpatiotemporal.TemporalConstants
String PROP_LAYER = "layer"
String PROP_CRS = "layercrs"
String PROP_CREATIONTIME = "ctime"
String PROP_GEOMENCODER = "geomencoder"
String PROP_GEOMENCODER_CONFIG = "geomencoder_config"
String PROP_LAYER_CLASS = "layer_class"
String PROP_TYPE = "gtype"
String PROP_QUERY = "query"
String PROP_WKB = "wkb"
String PROP_WKT = "wkt"
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from Neo4jSpatiotemporal.DefaultLayerTemporal
static LayerST makeLayerFromNode (SpatialTemporalDatabaseService spatialDatabase, Node layerNode)
static LayerST makeLayerAndNode (SpatialTemporalDatabaseService spatialDatabase, String name, Class< ?extends TemporalGeometryEncoder > geometryEncoderClass, Class< ?extends LayerST > layerClass)
- Protected Attributes inherited from Neo4jSpatiotemporal.DefaultLayerTemporal
Node layerNode
TemporalGeometryEncoder geometryEncoder
TemporalGeometryFactory geometryFactory
LayerRTreeIndexTemporal index

Detailed Description

The DynamicLayer class extends a Layer to be able to express itself as several Layers. Each of these 'sub-layers' is defined by adding filters to the original layer. The filters are configured in the LayerConfig class, on a set of nodes related to the original dynamic layer node by LAYER_CONFIG relationships. One key example of where this type of capability is very valuable is for example when a layer contains geometries of multiple types, but geotools can only express one type in each layer. Then we can use DynamicLayer to expose each of the different geometry types as a different layer to the consuming application (desktop or web application). DynamicLayer extends EdiableLayerImpl, and is therefore editable. Not that this support is dependant on the correct working of the appropriate GeometryEncoder, and also does not extend to the sub-layers provided. Those are read-only views.

Member Function Documentation

DynamicLayerConfigTemporal Neo4jSpatiotemporal.DynamicLayerTemporal.addCQLDynamicLayerOnAttribute ( String  key,
String  value,
int  gtype 
DynamicLayerConfigTemporal Neo4jSpatiotemporal.DynamicLayerTemporal.addCQLDynamicLayerOnAttributes ( String[]  attributes,
int  gtype 
DynamicLayerConfigTemporal Neo4jSpatiotemporal.DynamicLayerTemporal.addCQLDynamicLayerOnGeometryType ( int  gtype)
DynamicLayerConfigTemporal Neo4jSpatiotemporal.DynamicLayerTemporal.addLayerConfig ( String  name,
int  type,
String  query 
LayerST Neo4jSpatiotemporal.DynamicLayerTemporal.getLayer ( String  name)
List<String> Neo4jSpatiotemporal.DynamicLayerTemporal.getLayerNames ( )
List<LayerST> Neo4jSpatiotemporal.DynamicLayerTemporal.getLayers ( )

Each dataset can have one or more layers. This methods provides a way to iterate over all layers.

iterable over all Layers that can be viewed from this dataset

Implements Neo4jSpatiotemporal.SpatialTemporalDataset.

boolean Neo4jSpatiotemporal.DynamicLayerTemporal.removeLayerConfig ( String  name)
DynamicLayerConfigTemporal Neo4jSpatiotemporal.DynamicLayerTemporal.restrictLayerProperties ( String  name,
String[]  names 

Restrict specified layers attributes to the specified set. This will simply save the quest to the LayerConfig node, so that future queries will only return attributes that are within the named list. If you want to have it perform and automatic search, pass null for the names list, but be warned, this can take a long time on large datasets.

nameof layer to restrict
namesto use for attributes
DynamicLayerConfigTemporal Neo4jSpatiotemporal.DynamicLayerTemporal.restrictLayerProperties ( String  name)

Restrict specified layers attributes to only those that are actually found to be used. This does an exhaustive search and can be time consuming. For large layers, consider manually setting the properties instead.


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