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Distance.sql File Reference

The implementantion in sql of TRACLUS algorithm. More...


pointsp projectionpointtraclus (pointsp point, segmentsp segment)
 The function returns the perpendicular projection of point onto a line and is need it by the TRACLUS algorithm. It`s definition is given by [lee2007trajectory.] More...
float8 perpendiculardistancetraclus (segmentsp segmenta, segmentsp segmentb)
 The function returns the perpendicular distance between two segments and is need it by the TRACLUS algorithm. It`s definition is given by [lee2007trajectory.] More...
float8 paralleldistancetraclus (segmentsp segmenta, segmentsp segmentb)
 The function returns the parallel distance between two segments and is need it by the TRACLUS algorithm. It`s definition is given by [lee2007trajectory.] More...
float8 angledistancetraclus (segmentsp segmenta, segmentsp segmentb)
 The function returns the anle distance between two segments and is need it by the TRACLUS algorithm. It`s definition is given by [lee2007trajectory.] More...
float8 traclusdistance (segmentsp segmenta, segmentsp segmentb, real w_perpendicular=1, real w_parallel=1, real w_angle=1)
 The function returns the TRACLUS clustering. It`s definition is given by [lee2007trajectory.] More...

Detailed Description

The implementantion in sql of TRACLUS algorithm.

Marios Vodas (

TRACLUS (TRAjectory CLUStering) is an algorithm introduced by [lee2007trajectory] for the trejectoring clustering of similiar trajectories. For more detailed descritpion look at TRACLUS distance functions

See also
TRACLUS distance functions

Function Documentation

float8 angledistancetraclus ( segmentsp  segmenta,
segmentsp  segmentb 

The function returns the anle distance between two segments and is need it by the TRACLUS algorithm. It`s definition is given by [lee2007trajectory.]

[in]segmentAThe first segment
[in]segmentBThe second segment
angle distance
float8 paralleldistancetraclus ( segmentsp  segmenta,
segmentsp  segmentb 

The function returns the parallel distance between two segments and is need it by the TRACLUS algorithm. It`s definition is given by [lee2007trajectory.]

[in]segmentAThe first segment
[in]segmentBThe second segment
parallel distance
float8 perpendiculardistancetraclus ( segmentsp  segmenta,
segmentsp  segmentb 

The function returns the perpendicular distance between two segments and is need it by the TRACLUS algorithm. It`s definition is given by [lee2007trajectory.]

[in]segmentAThe first segment
[in]segmentBThe second segment
perpendicular distance
pointsp projectionpointtraclus ( pointsp  point,
segmentsp  segment 

The function returns the perpendicular projection of point onto a line and is need it by the TRACLUS algorithm. It`s definition is given by [lee2007trajectory.]

[in]pointthe point for which we are searching the perpendicular distance
[in]segmentthe segment from which we are searching the perpendicular distance
the point of perpendicular projection of point onto line
float8 traclusdistance ( segmentsp  segmenta,
segmentsp  segmentb,
real  w_perpendicular = 1,
real  w_parallel = 1,
real  w_angle = 1 

The function returns the TRACLUS clustering. It`s definition is given by [lee2007trajectory.]

[in]segmentAThe first segment
[in]segmentBThe second segment
[in]w_perpendicularI have no idea. Ask marios
[in]w_parallelI have no idea
[in]w_angleI have no idea
TRACLUS clustering