2008, PhD in Informatics
- Department of Informatics, University of Piraeus
- Thesis: Trajectory Data Management in Moving Object Databases. Also, in Greek here.
- Supervisor: Associate Professor Yannis Theodoridis
2001, MS in Geoinformatics
- Postgraduate program in Geoinformatics
- School of Surveying and Rural Engineering in association with the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Greece.
- Thesis: Indexing Techniques in Spatio Temporal Databases (in greek)
- Supervisor: Professor Timos Sellis.
- I was the top graduate student of the academic year 2000 - 2001
1997, Diploma in Civil Engineering
- School of Civil Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Greece.
- Thesis: Management of Survey Field Data
- Scholar of the Greek State Scholarships Foundation in the field of Geoinformatics (2001-2002)
- Performance scholarsip from the Greek State Scholarships Foundation for being the top graduate student of the academic year 2000 - 2001 in the MS program of Geoinformatics
- My diploma thesis was awarded from the Technical Chamber of Greece (1999)