My research activity takes place within the Information Systems Laboratory. My interest is mostly focused on physical aspects of spatial and spatio-temporal databases, such as, indexing, query processing and cost models. Currently my research interest is focused in
- Spatial and Spatiotemporal query processing,
- Uncertainty management in spatial and spatiotemporal databases,
- Summarization techniques for spatial and spatiotemporal databases,
- Geographic Information Systems and applications,
or anything that seems challenging..
Bellow you can find my full list of publications and events / journals on which I am involved as reviewer. Partial list of publications can be found also from DBLP. Also partial list of citations from Google scholar
- E. Frentzos, K. Gratsias and Y. Theodoridis. "On the effect of Uncertainty in Spatial Querying", IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 21(3), 2009. [pdf]
- E. Frentzos, K. Gratsias, N. Pelekis, Y. Theodoridis. "Algorithms for Nearest Neighbor Search on Moving Object Trajectories". GeoInformatica Journal 11(2), 2007. [pdf]
Book Chapters
- E. Frentzos, Y. Theodoridis and A. Papadopoulos, "Spatio-temporal trajectories", in Ling Liu and M. Tamer Özsu (eds), Encyclopedia of Database Systems, Springer, 2009 (to appear).
- C. Renso, S. Puntoni, E. Frentzos, Andrea Mazzoni, Bart Moelans, Nikos Pelekis and Fabrizio Pini "Wireless Network Data Sources: Tracking and Synthesizing Trajectories", In F. Giannotti and D. Pedreschi (eds), Mobility, privacy, and geography: a knowledge discovery perspective. Springer, 2007.
- N. Pelekis, A. Raffaeta, M.L. Damiani, C. Vangenot, G. Marketos, E. Frentzos, I Ntoutsi and Y. Theodoridis "Towards Trajectory Data Warehouses", In F. Giannotti and D. Pedreschi (eds), Mobility, privacy, and geography: a knowledge discovery perspective. Springer, 2007.
- E. Frentzos, N. Pelekis, I Ntoutsi and Y. Theodoridis "Trajectory Database Systems", In F. Giannotti and D. Pedreschi (eds), Mobility, privacy, and geography: a knowledge discovery perspective. Springer, 2007.
- J. Macedo, C. Vangenot, W. Othman, N. Pelekis, E. Frentzos, B. Kuijpers, I. Ntoutsi, S. Spaccapietra and Y. Theodoridis "Trajectory data models", In F. Giannotti and D. Pedreschi (eds), Mobility, privacy, and geography: a knowledge discovery perspective. Springer, 2007.
- G. Marketos, E. Frentzos, I. Ntoutsi, N. Pelekis, A. Raffaeta and Y. Theodoridis "Building Real World Trajectory Warehouses", Proceedings of International ACM SIGMOD Workshop on Data Engineering for Wireless and Mobile Access (MobiDE), Vancouver, Canada, 2008. [pdf]
- E. Frentzos, N. Pelekis, N. Giatrakos and Y. Theodoridis "Identifying Unknown Border Lines from Historical Spatiotemporal Data: The DIACHORON Approach", Proceedings of the International Conference on Telecommunications & Multimedia (TEMU’08), Ierapetra, Crete, Greece, 2008.
- N. Pelekis, E. Frentzos, N. Giatrakos and Y. Theodoridis. "HERMES: Aggregative LBS via a Trajectory DB Engine", Proceedings of ACM SIGMOD 2008 Conference, Vancouver, Canada, June 2008.
- E. Frentzos, K. Gratsias and Y. Theodoridis. "Towards the Next Generation of Location-based Services", Proceedings of 7th International Workshop on Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems (W2GIS) 2007, Wales, UK, November 2007. [pdf]
- E. Frentzos, and Y. Theodoridis. "On the Effect of Trajectory Compression in Spatiotemporal Querying". Proceedings 11th International Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems (ADBIS) 2007, Varna, Bulgaria, September 2007. [pdf]
- E. Frentzos, K. Gratsias and Y. Theodoridis. "Index-based Most Similar Trajectory Search". Proceedings of IEEE 23rd International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE) 2007, Istanbul, April 2007. [pdf]
- K. Gratsias, E. Frentzos, V. Delis, Y. Theodoridis. "Towards a Taxonomy of Location Based Services". Proceedings of 5th International Workshop on Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems (W2GIS'05), Lausanne, Switzerland, December 2005. [pdf]
- E. Frentzos, K. Gratsias, N. Pelekis, Y. Theodoridis. "Nearest Neighbor Search on Moving Object Trajectories". Proceedings of 9th International Symposium on Spatial and Temporal Databases (SSTD'05), Angra dos Reis, Brazil, August 2005. [pdf]
- E. Frentzos. "Indexing Objects Moving on Fixed Networks". Proceedings of 8th International Symposium on Spatial and Temporal Databases (SSTD'03), Santorini, Greece, July 2003. [pdf]
Greek Conferences, bulletins
- G. Marketos, E. Frentzos, N. Giatrakos, I. Ntoutsi, N. Pelekis, A. Raffaeta and Y. Theodoridis, "A Framework for Trajectory Data Warehousing", In the Proceedings of the 7th Hellenic Data Management Symposium (HDMS’08), Heraklion, Crete, Greece, 2008. [pdf]
- Ε. Frentzos, N. Pelekis and Y. Theodoridis, "Cost Models and Efficient Query Processing over Existentially Uncertain Spatial Data", 12th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics, Samos, Greece, 2008. [pdf]
- E. Frentzos, K. Gratsias and Y. Theodoridis. "Implementing the Next Generation of Location Based Services", Proc. 8th Pan-Hellenic Geographical Conference, Working group on Geographic Data in the World Wide Web, Athens, Greece, October 2007. [pdf]
- Efs. Stambouloglou, Eft. Stambouloglou, E. Frentzos: "Orthophoto production of nondevelopable surfaces. Case study implementation for documenting an early Mycenaean kipseloidis tomb in N.Ionia Volos, Hellas". Proc. 37th CIPA International Workshop dedicated on e-Documentation and Standardisation in Cultural Heritage, Cyprus, October 2006.
Technical Reports
- Ε. Frentzos, N. Pelekis and Y. Theodoridis, "Cost Models and Efficient Query Processing over Existentially Uncertain Spatial Data", UNIPI-ISL-TR-2008-01, Technical Report Series, University of Piraeus, 2008 [pdf]
- E. Frentzos, K. Gratsias and Y. Theodoridis. "Index-based Most Similar Trajectory Search". UNIPI-ISL-TR-2006-01, Technical Report Series, Information Systems Lab., University of Piraeus, Piraeus, Hellas, November 2006. [pdf]
- E. Frentzos, K. Gratsias, N. Pelekis, Y. Theodoridis. "Nearest Neighbor Search on Moving Object Trajectories". UNIPI-ISL-TR-2005-02, Technical Report Series, Information Systems Lab., University of Piraeus, Piraeus, Hellas, April 2005. [pdf]
I am reviewer for the following journals:
- ACM Transactions on Database Systems (ACM TODS)
- IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (IEEE TKDE)
- Data and Knowledge Engineering (DKE)
- Very Large Databases Journal (VLDBJ)
- Geoinformatica
- Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute ETRI Journal
and external reviewer for the following conferences: PODS 2008, IDEAS 2008, IEEE ICDE 2008, IEEE ICDM 2007, CIKM 2007, SSTD2007, SSTD 2005, IDEAS 2007, STDBM 2006, IDEAS 2006, W2GIS 2006, ADBIS 2006, SAC 2005, IDEAS 2005, STDBM 2004